Wednesday, November 12, 2008

happy, happy 50th, colleen~

the world is a better place because of my friend colleen. i know she will laugh and roll her eyes up in her head, but trust me, it is true. she is fun, smart, faithful, and sincere. she cares about kids. she is insightful and honest. she is athletic (which i envy more than i can say). she is the best friend and just an all around wonderful person. she has put up with my ranting and raving for about 14 years. no small feat. we walk together almost every sunday and have been attempting to solve the problems of the world in that time- no luck yet, but with a little bit of luck, there will be 50 more years for us to try and get to the bottom of all of this. colleen is the kind of person that kind of makes you pinch yourself and realize that without friends our lives would be...well, you know. so, happy birthday colleen. i am going to finish this tag in a few minutes so that jerry can deliver your present. oh yeah, and congratulations on the best gift of all-your fab new job! love, becky

1 comment:

heidi said...

happy birthday, colleen!

what a wonderful tribute, becky!

colleen and i are lucky to have you in our lives!
